Fanny Cove and Norseman’s Bee Hive/Lake Dundas Loops

Day 1 Perth to Overshot Hill,

Friday, 18th December 2015

We’ve made it through another year and now the time has come to head off on our end of year holiday. We’ve taken Friday off to get the jump on holiday travellers by leaving a few days early. We now have a new tradition when heading out on trip away……. call in at Jesters and grab some pies for the road. This tradition only started last trip but hey they have to start somewhere, sometime. Last time we went to Jesters Kalamunda so we thought we’d try Jesters in Armadale as it’s more on our direct route. Hmmmm…. maybe go back to Kalamunda next time, they also have Krispy Cream Donuts.

That over with we make tracks for Ravensthorpe, well, actually Overshot Hill which is about 10kms north of Ravensthorpe on the Newdegate-Ravensthorpe Rd.

The rest of the day’s run was uneventful. We pulled in to Overshot about 5.10pm and set up camp, there were two other campers there. Even though it’s Dec we forgot how cool the evenings can be down on the south coast. As the sun set we enjoyed listening to the birds chatter away, and chatter they did. They chattered all night long after we’d gone to bed and didn’t stop until the sun came up the next morning. As always, with the setting sun, the down side is the arrival of mozzies. We were inundated with and bitten by a million mozzies on our last trip so we invested in a 12 volt mozzie zapper which we trialled tonight. It seemed to work OK.

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